Continuăm astăzi să vă prezentăm un nou film din colecţia ENIGMA CHANNEL, produs de acelaşi Chris Everard.
"Un documentar care expune tehniciile magice folosite de societăţiile secrete, şamani, mediumi şi oameni de ştiinţă, pentru a vorbi cu morţii."
Shamanism and The Earth's Energy Grid, the Spiritual Shockwave of 911,
Masonic Symbolism of the Twin Towers and One Dollar Bill, War as Ritual
Sacrifice, The Psychic Ether Around Planet Earth, The Oujia Board, The
Spirit Mediums of Bosnia, Trinity College Cambridge and the Occult, The
Dark Mirror and Speculum of Dr John Dee, Ordo Templi Orientis, Rituals
of the Golden Dawn Secret Society, Aleister Crowley and the Enochian
System of Magick and 'Angel Keys', Analysis of Video Footage of Ghosts,
Sir William Crookes and the Spirit World, Astrology, Psychics and the
Invention of Television, Electronic Voice Phenomena, Lost 'Mojo'
Spirits, John Logie Baird and the Fingerprints of Spirits, Ectoplasm,
Psychic Surgery, The Hypnotic Power of Television, UHF Waves and Micro
Waves scrambling the Ether, HAARP...
This is a FOUR HOUR twin disc DVD. It is the world's most comprehensive
motion picture documentary on the communication between the souls of
the dead and mediums living in the physical world. The Bonus chapters
include interviews with DAVID ICKE, JANET OSSEBAARD, NICK FRANKS and
MONTAGUE KEEN. This documentary discusses the research of Carl Jung,
Edgar Cayce, DragonLines and the Near Death Experience. It also explains
the importance of using hallucinogenic plants to create a trance-like
state in which the human mind expands it's capacity of psychic
This description text, images and packaging are © copyright Chris
Everard, Enigma Motion Pictures and may not be cached, hosted or
transmitted or stored or reproduced without prior written permission.